Open Minded Seniors
The Open Minded Seniors (OMS) is a group of concerned, elderly, retired, and dedicated citizens of Tillery, Crowells, Hills Crossroads, Spring Hill, Slashes, and other communities. OMS emerged from CCT in July 1986. OMS is self-supporting group who establishes its own goals and agendas. OMS address the needs of the senior population, who constitute over 85% of the total CCT service area population. The group holds weekly meetings, have established a food pantry, and have organized a variety of educational and empowerment activities. OMS is a member of the Halifax County Council on Aging and participates in its weekly Meals on Wheels program.
Nubian Youth
CCT's Youth Group was organized in September 1988 as a direct result of CCT's Summer Empowerment Camp. The group is an effort to provide support to area youth ages five through eighteen. It is a structured organization through which youth can develop cultural awareness and leadership skills, raise important issues impacting their lives and find solutions to the problems they confront.
Economic Development Committee
The Economic Development Committee (EDC) was created in 1993 to help generate community-based jobs and businesses in the Tillery area. The EDC has opened a convenience mart and cafe, and is creating an atmosphere for entrepreneurship at the community level. The EDC is aiming to create further development by establishing affordable housing, among other things.
Land Loss Fund
The Land Loss Fund (LLF) is a grassroots, educational and charitable organization seeking to improve the social, educational and economic welfare of the people whose lives are being affected by the continued loss of family owned land especially in rural African-American communities. LLF is a racially mixed group composed of farmers, educators, social workers, businesspersons, and other interested individuals who organized themselves in March of 1983. LLF is cognizant of the fact that land ownership is a source of tremendous power, and provides education and organizing assistance to small economically disadvantaged land owners to insure that the land remains in their hands.
Halifax Environment Loss Prevention (H.E.L.P.)
The Land Loss Fund (LLF) is a grassroots, educational and charitable organization seeking to improve the social, educational and economic welfare of the people whose lives are being affected by the continued loss of family owned land especially in rural African-American communities. LLF is a racially mixed group composed of farmers, educators, social workers, businesspersons, and other interested individuals who organized themselves in March of 1983. LLF is cognizant of the fact that land ownership is a source of tremendous power, and provides education and organizing assistance to small economically disadvantaged land owners to insure that the land remains in their hands.
Grown Folks Group
The Grown Folk Group was organized in June 1991 to provide support and direction to CCT's Summer Day Camp. Members are determined to provide an atmosphere in which area youth have the opportunity to thrive. The Grown Folk Group aims to provide youth with what is lacking in the deficient school system in hopes that they will ignore the low expectations society has for them. This group is currently expanding to provide a forum for area parents and young adults to turn their common problems into issues they can address as a group. The Grown Folk Group also focuses on housing issues and provides workshops to members on improving housing conditions and purchasing homes.
Area Wide Network
The Area Wide Heath Committee, organized in 1987, works to make health care accessible to all who are uninsured or under-insured. With volunteer students and staff from East Carolina University School of Medicine, the clinic offers free health screenings to the community through the monthly Tillery People's Screening Clinic. Currently, the Committee is working to expand the services in the Health Clinic so that local residents can obtain affordable, basic health care from local volunteer doctors.