Nubian Youth
About the Nubian Youth
CCT's Youth Group was organized in September 1988 as a direct result of CCT's Summer Empowerment Camp. The group is an effort to bring together area youth, five through eighteen years of age, and provide year-round activities and support. The Nubian Youth Group allows area youth, many of whom are extremely high risk, to participate in a structured organization, to develop survival and leadership skills, raise important issues impacting their lives and find solutions to the problems they confront, and to counter the negligence of major educational institutions in the areas of African American literature, culture and history. Nubian Youth members live in an area with inferior public schools and few opportunities.
Involvement with the group provides youth with supplemental support, challenges and encouragement which bolster their confidence and self worth, increase their involvement in the community and heighten their goals. Nubian Youth members graduate high school and attend institutions of higher learning without exception.
Nubian Youth are frequently involved in cultural events, conferences, planning meetings, and field trips.
This exposure both heightens their awareness about important issues and shows them the high expectations adults within the Tillery community hold for them. Demonstrating these expectations is vital in a society which is neglecting Black youth and building a staggering number of prisons in which to house them.
Activities of the Nubian Youth
Summer Empowerment Camp since 1988
Representing CCT at Conferences
Field Trips
Tutorial Program
Helping to establish jobs in the Tillery community
Planning a youth employment cooperative
Participating in cultural events including celebrations for Black History Month, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday and Kwanzaa.
Why Nubain?
The name of the group refers to our connection to Africa, the land which Black people were taken from 400 years ago. The Nubian Youth are maintaining their connection to the advanced civilizations of Africa. Nubia was an ancient civilization of Black Africans which began to flourish almost 5000 years ago.Nubians were literate, urbanized and had beautiful tombs and temples.
Historians believe that Egyptians used parts of Nubian culture as model in building their civilization.
Most of the well-known treasures of Egypt were from Nubia.
Egyptians were amazed by the wealth of the Nubians.
Nubians conquered Egypt around 750 B.C. and Egyptian culture thrived under their rule.
Why Isn't This Taught In Our Schools?
There has been an effort to hide and devalue African history and culture in our educational institutions. This is done in order to insure the continued dominance of European culture and history in the United States while maintaining a docile workforce that is either not paid or underpaid.
Through self-education, the Nubian Youth are learning about the tremendous history of our people in Africa and we are striving to live up to the highest standards our ancestors set for us as African-Americans.