Tillery, NC – Concerned Citizens of Tillery (CCT) volunteer Doris Taylor Davis was completely surprised on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 when members of the Volunteer Culinary Staff for the Open Minded Seniors (OMS) bombshelled her by presenting her with a special gift basket. Once she recuperated and recovered her breath, she asked, “What is this for?” Perline Baggott, who actually handed the basket to Davis stated, “Because you are such a sweet and caring person and always treat all of us with such kindness and respect. So we just wanted you to know that we appreciate you and all you do for the OMS in helping us with meals and programs.” Davis is usually not an emotional responder, but this time we did see tears come up in her eyes. Davis is also the coordinator of the Area Wide Health Committee (AWHC) that runs the monthly Tillery People’s Health Clinic in conjunction with CCT.
Doris Taylor Davis (center) is flanked by (L-R) Melvin Whitaker, Sadie Green, Vice-President of the Open Minded Seniors (OMS), Perline Baggett, and Betty White after being presented with a surprise gift basket from the group. All are members of the Voluntary Culinary Staff who assists in preparing meals for the weekly meetings of the OMS. Davis is not often caught off guard, but this group, on behalf of the Open Minded Seniors, got her really good.
Doris Taylor Davis (center) is flanked by (L-R) Melvin Whitaker, Sadie Green, Vice-President of the Open Minded Seniors (OMS), Perline Baggett, and Betty White after being presented with a surprise gift basket from the group. All are members of the Voluntary Culinary Staff who assists in preparing meals for the weekly meetings of the OMS. Davis is not often caught off guard, but this group, on behalf of the Open Minded Seniors, got her really good.